March 31, 2011

Settling In at the Gym

I came out extremely well in a gym membership today. I had seen a "no contract" offer posted at a gym near mom and dad's house and decided that I should check it out. As I walked into the gym today, I quickly figured out.. it was huge! There are two sections, one for children and one for adults. It has multiple group classrooms for yoga, bodypump, spinning, and more that I haven't even heard of. The enire second floor is reserved for cardio equpiment, strength training equipment, and a core workout area complete with mats, balls, and free weights. The ladies locker room is amazing, furnished with lockers (made from wood, not metal), showers, sauna, and hot tub. The gym also offers wireless internet for those of us who simply cannot be away from the internet, a cafe complete with coffee and nutritional drinks, and outdoor heated pools for anytime swimming.

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