March 17, 2011

On the Road Again

This afternoon, it was decided that we would evacuate Japan. at first, we were just told to go home, pack our bag, and be ready. A few hours later, the message changed to, "we are definately evacuating". With so many things to do, I went into "commander mode" where I just focus on what has to be done and then get it done. however, when this "to do" list becomes a "to done" list, I sit here, thinking about all the possiblities.

If things go smoothly, maybe we will be back within a month and life can resume. If things go badly, I may never see these belongings again. It is an incredibly hard decision sorting through things that can be left and things to take and it all has to fit into a bag weighing no more than 35 lbs. My life, has to be placed into a 35 lb bag.

I think of all the papers I need, the certificates and such. Then, the things I can't live without: some jewelry, my Bible, some wedding pictures. Then, a few changes of clothes to get me by. To top it all off, Japan decided to quake some more, giving us another taste of why we are getting out of here.

As I sit, finishing yet beginning my night, I look around at all the things I can't take with me. I know this shouldn't be about the things, but the things! Our Christmas decorations (though an "our first christmas" ornament did find it's way in), our books, our kitchenware! All things I am unsure if I will ever see again.

I have a meeting in the morning, 10am. Here I am led to believe that I will sign up for a flight and receive further instruction. I may fly out tomorrow, I may not. But in anycase, I will keep my blog updated as much as possible.


  1. Much love to you sweetheart, I am sorry that you are dealing with all of this alone.

  2. Just keep heading this way sweetie, we'll be ready and waiting to get get you the rest of the way home to us. Stay safe pumpkin. I love you. Daddy
