March 29, 2011

Green Onions

In all my 23 years of being alive, I was told today that I was using green onions wrong! Typically, I would begin with the green end, trim a little, then begin chopping until I got down to the light green part and stop. Momma was watching me and asked if there was a reason I wasn't using the ends. I just thought that was the way to use green onions. Momma went on to tell me about my great grandmother who would eat a "sweet onion" at every meal and eat the lower portion of the onion leaving the dark green parts. I guess you learn something new everyday.

I'm still adjusting to driving here and can proudly say, I was able to stay on the right side of the road! (Only by repeating "right side, right side, right side") Once in a parking lot I forgot for about a second but luckily Aaron was with me to remind me. :)

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