March 17, 2011

An Aftershock a Day Keeps What Away?

Luckily, we haven't experienced another major aftershock although I was woken this morning by a small quake. If you're curious to see the aftershocks, where they are, and their strength, you can Google Japan Meterological Agency. Click on "earthquakes" and you will see the latest aftershock. Another button ( I think "earthquake information") shows all the aftershocks and their strength.

Today we were sent a note informing us that the radiation is out of the air but still lingers on the ground. We are still advised to stay indoors whenever possible and to wash our hands after we go outside. The radiation on the ground will likely stay until the next rain.

Many people are going back to the states, mainly those with small children. Still, school is in session and the only things that have been canceled are afterschool activities. We have plenty of supplies, still get food shipments daily, and are expecting the gas resivior to be filled within the week. Gas is being rationed but as I don't have a car, I have no need to worry about that. :)

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