November 17, 2010


To all my readers, I apologize for not posting for the last few days. My computer was not syncing up with our internet right and I was having some problems.

On Sunday, we went to Yokohama with a group of five others. It's a city about 45 minute away by train and is bustling with many shoppers. Our first stop was to Landmark Tower. It is a 69 story building that currently houses the second fastest elevator in the world. To reach the top takes about 40 seconds and the elevator reaches a top speed of 750 meters per second. Surprisingly, the ride was very smooth, the only indicator of our going up so quickly was our ears popping! When we got to the top, the view was pretty amazing. If it had been a clear day, I think it would have been more so.

On clear days, it is said that you can see Mt. Fuji easily, and while it was cloudy, we did spot the outline of it. I can't wait to finally see Fuji, it seems that every chance we get I miss it from clouds or something.

After visiting the tower we went to eat inside the mall at a Japanese restaurant. The food was good, though I got something different this time. A bowl of rice with a mixture of chicken and egg on top accompanied by miso soup and cold soba noodles. The soup was great, it is becoming one of my favorites here. The soba noodles came with a small bowl of soy sauce, wasabi, and green onion for dipping and then eating. The chicken and egg bowl was my least favorite, it was very sweet and reminded me of eating a pancake. It was kinda weird.

After eating we ventured to the Roof Garden where we played mini golf! The course here was set up on metal paths, and we quickly found out that you do not stand on the metal. You stand beside it to actually play the mini golf. It was fun nonetheless, we had a good time putting around and smelling the restaurant beneath us.

Mini golf was fun, but we were really craving something else. We went back into the mall and began searching around for our dessert of choice. As we were looking we found a familiar face from the U.S. who is very popular in Japan, let's see if you can guess who he is.

Then we finally found our place of choice. I think I can live here. :) Yummy tiramisu creation, where have you been?


  1. The pictures kept throwing me for a loop. I thought the 4th one said "Poop Garden", and it took me several tries to realize the 6th one is Colonel Sanders, not Santa. I think that means I should go to bed.

  2. It doesn't surprise me at all to find that you traveled 8,000 miles and wound up finding a Coldstone Creamery! What luck!

    And I love the Santa Claus!

  3. By the way, the silhouette picture is fabulous. I think you should have it framed.
