November 24, 2010

Christmas time is here...

I love Christmas, everything about Christmas. The music, the smells, the gatherings, the decorations. I can't wait to decorate the day after Thanksgiving (as is tradition in the Middleton household).  I wish I could get a live tree this year, the smell is heavenly.

I downloaded a music album today and listened to it on my morning walk. Manheim Steamroller, to me, screams Christmas. It's not truly Christmas until you've got Manheim Steamroller playing. The second it began playing this morning I thought of Momma, it's her favorite Christmas music and it's about the only music she will listen to at Christmas. Then I thought about how we would be spending Christmas in the orient this year, my first Christmas away from waking up in the morning as a family, opening gifts together, eating breakfast casserole together, going to grandma's together. I'm glad it was cold outside this morning so others couldn't see my eyes getting red.

But then I thanked God for skype, we can still see each other, open gifts together, and eat breakfast casserole together. Then we can get together again when they go to grandma's. I don't know how I would have been able to cope without this wonderful piece of technology.

Although we are half a world away, we still celebrate for the same reasons, we only begin a half a day sooner. While we are away this Christmas, missing many of the things that make Christmas the special holiday it is, we can remember Christmases past and Christmases to come in the future, when we can all be together as a family again.


  1. I'm glad there's something that allows for you and your family to be together during the holidays.

    As far as coping - you would have done it the hard way if you had to. You're a strong woman.

    But I bet your momma is glad that technology is there too =)

  2. Amen to Skype!!! and Manheim Steamroller!!!
    I can't wait to share Christmas with you and Alan!! Best of all, I will get to do it twice since I am a "mant" and Eddie is a "funkle!" smiles to you!!!
