January 18, 2011

The Hunt for Paint

Today began as any other day would, rising early to make the hubby breakfast, going back to bed for about an hour until I really HAD to be awake, enjoying some breakfast, and making a trip to the gym (today was body pump, yay!). While riding to the gym, my friend and I discussed what we needed to accomplish today and discovered a trip to VivaHome was in store.

VivaHome is a store not far off base that has all kinds of things, similar idea to a Wal-Mart. It has outdoor things, indoor things, hardware things, puppy things (and adorable puppies to look at), and more! My friend was in need of some paint for a home repair and needed a specific color and brand. Our housing office said that the paint can be found at any hardware store. So we entered.

We found the paint... but not the brand. Finally after a few minutes of looking around at all the different options, my friend called our housing office to ask for more assistance. Then before we knew it, we had a sales associate talking on my friends phone to our housing office and trying to find the paint. In our AOB/ICR class (orientation class) our instructors told us to use any means possible to communicate with the Japanese nationals. I suppose we did just that today at the store. Luckily, the sales associate was able to order the paint!

Today's experience makes me thankful for the people who work on base helping newcomers adjust to living in another country.


  1. First, What's the BodyPump thing that sounds so awesome???

    Also, I am glad they have ppl on base to help you guys adapt to new countries, too! <3

  2. Body Pump is a gym class that the base offers, here it's free but Mom and I did it in C'ville at a gym there. It's a program designed to lift weights to music. I really enjoy it. You begin with a warm up, just an all over body thing, then you begin working on individual muscle groups: squats, triceps, back, chest, biceps, lunges, shoulder, abs, then cool down. See if you can find one in your area!

    They also offer Body Combat, Body Step, Zumba, and lots more!

  3. oooh that does sound like fun! Maybe they have something here...i hope! Good to know!
