August 15, 2011

And So it Begins

Although new hires are not required to report to school until Thursday, a little extra time in the classroom motivated me to go in today. And boy am I glad I did! I walked into my classroom for the first time expecting to run home, grab my suitcases full of classroom supplies, and then begin the real work. Surprise! All my furniture has been stacked in the corner and the previous teacher had left some decorations on the walls that needed removing. I was so overwhelmed I did not know where to begin. As I walked around the class (several, several times) I decided that a good place to begin would be my desk and the computer center.

After arranging, rearranging, and rearranging again, I finally got a few items placed where I wanted them: the students tables, the center areas, the whole group carpet, and the reading center. I looked around and saw that I still had quite a few tables left to use, in a room that is already full! I counted and my room has 13 tables in it!

While I was sorting the manipulatives and center toys (all jumbled together), a co-teacher walked in and gave me some much needed answers to the mile high list of questions I have. I'm in luck, I can ask that the tables I don't need be removed! Also, she shows me the curriculum that I am required to teach from giving me a bit more relief. she is very nice and suggests that we get together to plan, bounce ideas around, and just alleviate stress. I'm thankful for this lady who walked in today!

For five hours I work at organizing the classroom and gathering ideas of how my days are going to go. I decide that I'm done in the room for the day because I've still got tons to do with the classroom supplies in my apartment. I'm super excited to go work again tomorrow, maybe I'll even get around to putting some things up on the walls and making the room my own.

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