August 20, 2011

First Week working in My Room

I have been so busy this week! I'm getting everything ready in my classroom and working from sun up to sun down... and I'm loving every minute of it! I feel so accomplished and satisfied with life now that I have a classroom all my own. I have a purpose and something to look forward to. Did I mention I am super excited about this upcoming year? :)

Thursday was orientation day and I spent the day with other new hires getting to know the school. I called my mom that morning and my younger brother had some advice to give me on my first day at school:
1. Play nice with the other kids.
2. Look both ways before crossing the street.
3. Only make good trades during lunch: my carrot sticks for someone's pudding cup.
He also reminded me that sometimes, when it rains after it hasn't rained in a while, the rain lifts the oils on the road and makes the road slippery. :) (That's a big family joke. Thanks Daddy!)

Today is Saturday and I'm spending it with three wonderful boys and we're going to the Bon Odori festival here on base. I haven't researched the festival much but I hear that it's a Japanese festival that celebrates those who have passed on.

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