July 18, 2011

Life Being 24

Since beginning a new year of life, I have had a revelation. I looked back at who I was in middle school, high school, and my first few years of college, and quite frankly, I'm embarrassed! The way I treated people, my attitude on life, my constant need to find myself better than others...

I wish I could find a way to apologize to people without awkwardly hunting them down and giving them a random apology. Apologies over email or FB seem so shallow, as if one is afraid of face to face contact. The only thing I hope for is that these people who I have wronged will not hold it against me. Maybe I will run into them again one day and be able to set things right then.

July 2, 2011

Blogging Without a Computer

It sure is hard to blog without having a computer handy. In Japan, Alan and I use our iphones for everything from email to Facebook to googling for answers to questions. So when I finally do open up my computer again and try to use it, I am met with an old battery that won't hold a charge.

To recap, Here's what has occurred in the months (yes months) since I last blogged.
I went back to Japan and spent time with my hubby before he had to work again. We took a trip to Tokyo and visited Disney, the Ueno Zoo, the Ueno Museum of Nature and Science (which was huge!), and the Tokyo Tower, Japan's version of the Eiffel Tower. Sadly, pictures are still in Japan so I'll have to upload them when I get back.

After our Tokyo trip, we tried to get back to life as usual but Alan began working long hours and I hardly ever saw him. I went back to subbing at the school which I loved and it helped pass the time. I have  been reading like crazy, oftentimes 4-5 books a week. Finally, about a week and a half ago, I flew back to the States to spend the summer with my family and friends.

I can say one thing though: I am beginning to hate going through Customs and Immigration when flying between the two countries.