I am officially in the middle of my second full week of long term subbing - and I love it! The teachers I work with are wonderful, one even lets me teach a lesson to her class on occasion. The kids I have are great, almost no behavioral problems so I can really focus on helping them read. I am filling out my official teacher's application this week so I can (hopefully) get a classroom of my own next school year!
Before I had the long term subbing job, I agreed to a babysitting job where I went to the house in the morning before school and helped the boys get off to school and then pick them up from school and stay with them in the afternoon/evening until their parents got home. I hated to back down, so the first of this week, I got up at 5 every morning to get myself ready, then go to the other house to help the boys get ready, then go to school, then go back home with the boys and stay until the evening. It was fun keeping the boys but I am glad that I don't have to get up quite so early tomorrow. :)
I have been missing having a puppy again this week and am debating getting a hamster. It's about the only thing that is allowed in the apartment towers that I would want to have (we're not big cat people). So, maybe. If a hamster is in our future, I'll definately post pictures.
Hamsters are cute and will certainly do in a pinch =).