November 10, 2010

Squadron Picnic

Alan had PT today with his squadron and afterwords the squadron held a picnic. They had hamburgers and hot dogs along with some killer ribs (the sauce on them was awesome). I was hoping to meet some squadron wives today and ended up meeting one. I'm glad I met her though because we had been missing each other and hadn't actually met yet. But I was surprised by the amount of singles there. I guess the Navy would rather send over single people rather than married because for one, it costs less. At the picnic they had the bounce houses for the kids to play in. Those seem to be very popular in the Navy. In Lemoore we saw them everywhere, mostly as the main entertainment of children's birthday parties.

We went for a walk tonight after dinner and I'm glad we decided to. We were just wandering around trying to waste some time and ended up walking by a girl who had been practicing cheer leading moves and had hurt herself. We helped her to her car and waited for someone else to come help her. I felt bad that we couldn't help her more but we have chosen not to have a car.

Thus far, I am very pleased with our decision. I have enjoyed walking around to get places and riding our bikes when we have farther to go. Luckily the weather has been glorious for the last week and a half! Cool, but not cold, and sunny every day. Of course it would happen right after we bought a nice, big umbrella. :)

I applied for a job today at the CDC (child development center) and hope to hear back next week. With my degree I think I am just what they are looking for. I think it will be very similar to my time in preschool, watching the kids play, helping them become socialized, and even teaching them some basics.


  1. I missed that picnic. I was on my way home! Of course, my husband had to work anyways. :( Since it's been raining, and I'm back, if you need to drive to the commissary or anything, let me know. :D

  2. Thanks for the offer Crystal! I'll definately let you know!
